
We directly collect the vehicles from the various auctions in Japan and arrange the shipment procedure to hand over your dream car in your hand as it is without any change. We don’t let our clients face any hassles of buying from Japanese Auction House till get the delivery to their door steps.

For any purchase, most importantly, the prices of different sources are compared. But the value should not be ignored. For understanding the value of a car many other factors, specially the conditions, have to be known in details. Because the price of a known condition car cannot be compare with the price of a car with unknown condition. FAIR AUTOMOBILES provide you only the known-condition car. Before compare the price, compare the condition and life-time value. Paying higher for better value is buying intelligence. FAIR AUTOMOBILES is the price leader for the car in comparison to cars of same grade and condition. You will never lose by purchasing with us.

In a conventional reconditioned car market, when a deal is completed either the buyer win or lose. For an opened-eyed-blind (less informed) buyer who rely on appearance but not real condition, always, there is a high possibility of being loser during the trans or even long after the transaction while using the car.